Sona Nahapetyan


I. Introduction

When dealing with the information from online sources the main statements that we come across is that they do not correspond the reality. This is being proved by the content analysis and various comparison studies. But there’s one point, which is not being considered, and that’s the reason why people are tend to believe the online sources. According to Berger and Luckmann mass media do not reflect the world in any empirical sense, but instead help construct and maintain it by re-presenting particular meanings and understandings of “reality”[1].


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Being priest as a profession or as a vocation

Sona Nahapetyan


The paper is devoted to the research of the Armenian Apostolic Church within Weber’s paradigm. The main basis here was the “Politics as profession or as vocation”. The work is basically concentrating on the political field, while discussing our local church; we see that the schemes of the political system and religious systems are similar.

For the research of the paper the analysis of the documents and expert interviews served as a main tool. The documents include not only the Armenian Apostolic archive documents, but also a list of informal papers and letters of the Church, that were published around 20 years after their original date. The second type of the documents are the documentary films. The list included the documentaries that were shot by the official channel of the Holy Echmiadzin- “Shoghakat” TV and also “VEM” Studio ( “From Ararat to Zion”). (more…)

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The phenomenon of wealth in Armenian modern weddings

Meline Aslanyan


The wealthy people, whose opportunities are initially larger and more multifarious, than the rest of the socio-economic categories of the population, always existed. The studies conducted by the American journal “Forbes” indicated that the status of the wealthy people in the world rises every year. For example four hundred wealthy people in the world possessed $ 2159.1bilion in 2000 and they had $ 2653.2 billion in 2001. According to the Human Development Report in the year of 200 the gap between the incomes of the wealthy people and the poor is increasing rapidly (6; 3-4).


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Social Identity: Establishment of the «others»

Sona Nahapetyan


Identity is one of several fundamental human needs that underlie many intractable conflicts. Human needs theorists argue that conflicts over needs are fundamentally different from conflicts over interests, because interests are negotiable, whereas needs are not. One of the most common types of needs conflicts are conflicts over identity. These conflicts occur when a person or a group feels that his or her sense of self–who one is–is threatened, or denied legitimacy or respect. One’s sense of self is so fundamental and so important, not only to one’s self-esteem but also to how one interprets the rest of the world, that any threat to identity is likely to produce a strong response. Typically, this response is both aggressive and defensive, and can escalate quickly into an intractable conflict.


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